Thursday 12 July 2007

The Perfect MMO

Okay this is NOT finished.. but here goes ...

For a while now I have been looking for a new game to play. I was into Starwars Galaxies for a long time until the NGE came along and I felt I had to leave. Since this time I have tried WOW, Anarchy Online, Face Of Mankind, EVE and Arch Lord and most recently Lineage 2.
All apart from EVE in my opinion, lacked for me certain elements of what I needed in an MMO.
Things that I look for in an MMO:

Good points:

Decent Graphics ( does not have to be state of the art just ok )

Random faults, I think this is cool this happens in the real world when equipment breaks down maintenance of your equipment should be required at periodic intervals. Faults should beable to occur at anytime but are rare depending on use or abuse of your equipment. With regular maintenance probability of failure is reduced. A piece of equipment that is poorly maintained can malfunction catastropically causing injury to the whelder / destruction of the equipment or/and faster reduction in equipment life.

Faults can be broken down into several catagories:

Temporary Faults
i.e Gun Jam, Over Heating , Power Overload etc
Semi Permeant Fault
Repairable Fault with large/small loss of equipment life.

Permeant Fault:
Destruction through poor maintenance
Faulty equipment can be repaired.
The quality of the repair is based on the skill/Experience of the player doing the repair.

Mounts can be used as extensions of your body i.e in combat you should beable to shoot and the mount should beable to attack closed ranged things like a pet.

Characters types
Male and Female thats it! Er what I mean is that Healers , Damage Dealers are simply skills you learn. Oh go on you can be a Female Fairy if you like!

Character customisation should be detailed. It should be very possible for everyone to look different.
Status bars: best I have seen is Health / Action / Mind.
or Shield / Armour / Hull athough for Mounts i.e ships it works slightly differently.
Things that effect HAM.
Fatigue: fatigue causes a reduction in the amount of useable Mind /Health/Action.

Player driven economy.
A Bazaar terminal with a maximum allowed value.
Player Auctions are possible as well as sales through bazaar.

Advanced crafting system
Player made Weapons , Armour objects with the exception of very limited Legendary Weapons i,e loot drop based 1 per server ( must have decay)
In world raw materials which everything is made from these materials spawn randomly for with a certain amount of availability.
Materials are mined through use of automated mining machines or gathering manually.
Everything made must decay through use or through age or both.
Crafters are able to sell their wares through the use of shops which they own.
Crafters can repair / maintain broken systems

A Player modifable environment
Player Housing
A real Avatar that can walk round and converse ( i.e not a SHIP as in EVE Online )
Player generated content
Players must have purpose/jobs , there must be a point to going out and killing in the wild.

Player Vs Player combat
PVE Combat
Multi faction based combat.
If NPC factions exist there should be a reason to fight them.

Enough with the crappy partical effects already.
Epic battles between different factions different guilds or corporations.
Battles between NPCs you should beable to join in if right faction.

Player bounty missions
NPC Corporations/factions etc can put jobs on publically accessable Mission terminals for reward.

Faction experience this can be earned through missions which are available on mission terminals
Player who can create missions on these terminals for factions as long as they have enough faction points
faction points are lost if mission is not completed. If mission is completed player gains faction.
Factions should have rank the high the rank the more faction points your need. Higher ranks can only be attained by
time and also by faction points. Faction points required for ranks get increasingly larger requiring missions to be created
and completed by your workers.
Faction points decrease slowly over time.

Twitch based combat ground based FPS style and also on mounts i.e space ship combat or simply riding something.

Skill system
Skill proficiency through use of that skill.

Law and order
The law and order system in EVE works well I think it could be appiled to other world based MMO's also.
Each Area is assigned a security rating from 0.0 to 1.0.
Each player has a security status starting at 0 for killing a player or attacking non pirate NPCs you receive a negative security rating.
Systems that have a security rating of 0.5 and above have greater and greater defence's and attack strength. If a player gets a secuirty rating to low ( not sure how much) Concords EVE's police force will attack and eliminate that player. It has other variables as well but you get the picture.
Player that continually show antisocial behaviour can be handled in several ways : Bounty, They become a outlaw.
Beleive me there nothing more satisfying than removing an idiots character ( if only temporary ) as a Bounty Hunter :D

Guilds ( Social Group )
Hunting Party ( temporary group )
Corporation ( Business Group )
Alliances ( Gathering of Social or Business Groups )
A player can be in a Guild and in a Corporation which is Part of an Alliance.

Skills are skill books are bought each book allows you to use a certain piece of equipment after a period of learning.
More complex weapons systems take longer to learn.
Experience through use of weapon increases your deadlyness with that weapon
Each character can learn any skill they want the more they use it the better they get.

Weapons and Armour Systems
Weapons and Armour have the own stats.
All weapons can be deadly. Including hands / feet etc. Meaning you dont have to be a Master at a certain
weapon to kill another player it just helps.
Higher proficiency with weaponry can only be gained by training with a Master.

If Magic is to exist then it should be special and rare. Only the highest skilled should beable to wield it think of it as a legendary weapon only a few on the server with very limited use and it also decay's just like a legendary weapon. How to decide who has it difficult im still thinking about this one perhaps It cannot be earned it can only be given and then not to all Masters only a select few. Anyway im still thinking on this.

Land Based Avatar
Death should be no laughing joke if a player runs out of some primary stat. Like health he should become incapacitated
If incapacitated 3 times death occurs.
If a player dies the player can lose all carried items. A player will then respawn at there cloning point. If a player visits his body he may beable
to get back lost items in a peroid of time.

Bad Idea's
No decay for the servers this is bad and causes a massive problem with databases. For the MMO player this means that you cannot realistically have a real economy since nothing ever needs replacing. The problem is exasperated when you introduce very powerfull weapons that come from loot drops. These weapons soon become the weapons they everybody wants and these never degrade so once a player has one of these. It can be used constantly. Making a special weapon not special.

Interworld Internet Search i.e a bazaar that can search. every players shop. This feature discourages customer loyalty and takes away a good in game dynamic of a customer->retailer relationship. It also requires less skill from the seller in choosing the right spot for a shop growing relations with your customers with this world search. The dynamic becomes more about cheapest or best of the best cutting out a large proportion of crafters. Since everyone who PVP's always wants the best of everything. Anything thats not the best is in contrast crap, of course this is rubbish but this is how it works in game in my experience.

Get rid of Levels these suck and it leads to levelism...It also means that your friends may not beable to come with you on your adentures do to not being the correct leave and being killed to easily.

Death locking you out of the game for 24hrs, this really sucks especially when your new and tend to die more often.


Anonymous said...

[b]Вовочка приходит в аптеку:
- Дайте мне упаковку презервативов!
- Во-первых, это не для детей, - отвечает аптекарь, - а во-вторых,
пусть придет папа и возьмет нужный размер.
- Во-первых, это не для детей, а от детей, а во-вторых, это не для
папы, а мама едет на курорт, и какие там размеры будут, она еще
не знает... [/b]
Сословие Мегаполис порадовала новым выходом очередного сборника нюансов.
Меня удивила примем это "[url=]Смелый [/url]" - Канечно вы можете встретить и для себя миллион интерестного
Ну а однако лучшее противоядие от скуки это анекдотец.

Anonymous said...

[b]- Вовочка, тебе уже шесть лет, и я должен рассказать, откуда берутся
- Ну вот... В три года я узнал, что у нас не живет домовой, в четыре -
что не бывает Бабы-Яги, в пять - что Деда Мароза не существует. Если
сейчас окажется, что взрослые не @6%тся, то во что остается верить?! [/b]
Общество Мегаполис порадовала новым выходом очередного сборника нюансов.
Меня удивила скажем это "[url=]Бухгалтерская доля [/url]" - Канечно вы можете найти и для себя ворох интерестного
Ну а однако лучшее противоядие от скуки это анекдотец.

Anonymous said...

[b]Вовочка заглянул в спальню к родителям и застал отца, сидящим на кровати
и натягивающим презерватив на причинное место. Тот, в попытке скрыть
торчащий член с презиком, сложился пополам и сделал вид, как будто он
заглядывает под кровать .
- Пап, что ты делаешь? - серьезно спросил Вовочка.
- Да я вроде видел, как мышь под кровать юркнула...» - не растерялся
- А ты ее, судя по всему, трахать собрался? [/b]
Сословие Мегаполис порадовала новым выходом очередного сборника нюансов.
Меня удивила примем это "[url=]Детский час. Дочка-помощница [/url]" - Канечно вы можете найти и ради себя миллион интерестного
Ну а однако лучшее снадобье через скуки это анекдотец.

Anonymous said...

[b]Расказали маленькому Вовочке друзья, что у всех взрослых есть
какой-нибудь секрет и поэтому их очень легко шантажировать.
Решил Вовчка проверить это и, придя домой после школы, сказал маме
с серьезным видом:
- А я все знаю!!!
Мами побелела и сунула Вовочке 20 долларов:
- Только не говори папе!
Вовчке это очень понравилось и когда папа пришел с работы, Вовочка
сказал ему:
- А я все знаю!!!
Папа нервно посмотрел по сторонам и дал вовочке 50 долларов:
- Маме ни слова!
Утром Вовочка встретил почтальона возле калитки.
- А я все знаю!!! - заявил Вовчка почтальону.
Почтальон уронил сумку, слеза заблестела на его щеке и, расставив руки
для объятий, он прокричал:
- Так иди же, обними свого папу, сынoк!!! [/b]
Корпорация Мегаполис порадовала новым выходом очередного сборника нюансов.
Меня удивила примем это "[url=]Фотоприколы дня №66! [/url]" - Канечно вы можете встретить и ради себя миллион интерестного
Ну а однако лучшее снадобье через скуки это анекдотец.

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